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Contact Information
  • Phone Number
    020 7435 3646
  • Group/Owner
    Maria Montessori Institute School
  • Person in Charge
    Clea Roberts and Pablo Argudo Gonzalvez (Lead Teachers)
  • Number of Staff
  • When Closed
    School Holidays
  • Type of Service
    Nursery School – Voluntary / Not for Profit Owned Open term time Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
  • Total Places for children
  • Age range
    from 2 years 6 months to 12 years 0 months
  • Visiting
    The Maria Montessori School welcomes guests and visitors to observe the classroom environment with the children present and see how the children and teachers engage in their regular daily routine. Observations are a wonderful way for parents to visit the school setting and see how a mixed-age classroom supports learning. Book a classroom observation by contacting the nursery.
  • Directions
    Stand facing St Matthew's Church and you will see an alleyway on the left of the church. Walk up that alleyway as that will lead to their front door
  • Opening Days
  • Opening Hours
Funding & Fees

  • St Matthews Parish Church, 29 St Petersburgh Place, London W2 4LA

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