Contact Information
Phone Number01869 337383
Group/OwnerDeddington Village Nursery and PFSU
Person in ChargeSuzanne Owen (Nursery Manager)
Number of Staff8
When ClosedSchool Holidays
Type of ServiceNursery School – Voluntary / Not for Profit Owned Open term time Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children16
Age rangefrom 2 years 0 months to 3 years 0 months
ParkingParking is available for the nursery in the Windmill Centre Car park.
VisitingPlease call the office to arrange a visit to either of their settings
DirectionsThe nursery is located on the Hempton Rd, next to the Windmill Community Centre. The Preschool is on the Deddington Primary school site on Earls Lane.
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0800-1800
Rabia S
July 17, 2023 at 12:00 amExcellent. So glad I found this place for my child. Staff is very involved in every kid’s progress and growth. It’s a small setting so every kid receives good attention and care. There are very engaging activities for kids and every kid is ensured and encouraged to take part and learn something. We are constantly updated about our child’s progress via daily observations uploaded on the nursery app.
I think they are the best in Oxfordshire.