Contact Information
Phone Number01798 300588
Group/OwnerChuckleberries Pre-School
Person in ChargeJo Kent (Supervisor)
Number of Staff2
When ClosedBank Holidays & Christmas (offers a Holiday club to parents during the School Holidays)
Type of ServiceNursery School – Voluntary / Not for Profit Owned Open term time Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children24
Age rangefrom 2 years 0 months to 4 years 11 months
Opening DaysTue-Fri
Opening Hours0845-1445
October 31, 2017 at 12:00 amWhat can I say, since relocating to St James’ primary school Chuckleberries has gone from strength to strength, there is now a bright and colourful classroom with a secure gated covered outside area so that the children are always safe & don’t get too wet if it rains! they have access to the MASSIVE outside playground and forest school areas so they are able to explore nature on a daily basis. My son Loves going here and asks to go on the days he is supposed to stay home with his mum!