Contact Information
Phone Number01942 674548
Group/OwnerDavid Rainford
Person in ChargeKaren Wilcock (Manager)
Number of Staff4
When ClosedSchool Holidays
Type of ServiceNursery School – Privately Owned Open term time Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children16
Age rangefrom 2 years 0 months to 4 years 9 months
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0900-1530
Jessica T
November 11, 2020 at 12:00 amMy daughter attends this nursery, her first week was a struggle but now she loves it. There’s no battling to get her inside, she walks in alone. She loves her teachers and is always talking about them when shes at home. I’m glad she has somewhere she can be herself and have fun. My other children never attended nursery but now I understand why children do go, it helps with their development so much and mingling with others helps there confidence so much.