Contact Information
Phone Number0161 434 9225
Group/OwnerCommunity-Minded Ltd
Person in ChargeIsabelle Qamar (Managing Director)
Number of Staff14
When ClosedSchool Holidays
Type of ServiceNursery School – Privately Owned Open term time Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children63
Age rangefrom 0 years 9 months to 11 years 0 months
VisitingDue to Covid they do not offer visits inside the room however they offer a garden visit and parents/carers can view inside the room from the large windows. On Facebook they have a virtual tour and you can request a welcome booklet for each room by email
DirectionsAccess via the delivery entrance of Old moat Primary School (left side of the school) on Hough Road
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0800-1730
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