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Contact Information
  • Phone Number
    020 3988 0443
  • Group/Owner
  • Person in Charge
    Shamima Ahmed (Team Manager)
  • Number of Staff
  • When Closed
    Bank Holidays & Christmas
  • Type of Service
    Day Nursery – Voluntary / Not for Profit Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
  • Total Places for children
  • Age range
    from 0 years 3 months to 5 years 0 months
  • Opening Days
  • Opening Hours
Funding & Fees

  • James C
    December 1, 2022 at 12:00 am

    We were initially attracted to Wetherell due to its position next to Victoria Park rather than a busy road in East London. Our child has now been at the nursery for 18 months + and we have been very impressed by the staff, who have been generally consistent and show interest in the children and their families and seem to have endless energy to engage with the children. The venue, like some other nurseries, is pretty dated but it has all the facilities needed and a lovely, large outdoor play area immediately by the park. Occasionally staff even take children on trips around the park! The fee is reasonable compared to other nurseries we have seen and it stays open most of the year, which is great as we both work. We are very happy to have our child at Wetherell and, given she often does not like to leave at the end of the day, it is safe to say she is also happy there.

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