Contact Information
Phone Number01608 651334
Group/OwnerCaroline Koenig
Person in ChargeCaroline Koenig (Manager)
Number of Staff8
When ClosedBank Holidays & 1 week at Christmas
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care
Total Places for children24
Age rangefrom 1 years 6 months to 10 years 0 months
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0730-1800
December 18, 2015 at 12:00 amMy 3 year old goes to Walkers Private Day Nursery. She is very happy going to nursery primarily due to the personal care and staff involvement. We get good feedback about our daughter which gets discussed and if required tailored to suit the little one, again due to involvement/hard work of the staff at Walkers Private Day Nursery.
February 2, 2016 at 12:00 amOur Daughter has been attending Walkers Nursery since January 2015, at the age of 3, after we moved into the area. Over the last year we have seen our Daughters development really change, she is very confident and has made a lovely group of friends. We like that it is a small nursery and feel that out child gets more attention with there being fewer children, and everyone knows her needs.
The staff are lovely, always very welcoming and never a problem to discuss something of concern with them.
The daily menu is great, out daughter has a better lunch then we do.