Contact Information
Phone Number01924 201010
Group/OwnerHayley Twist
Person in ChargeHayley Twist (Manager)
Number of Staff25
When ClosedBank Holidays & Christmas
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children101
Age rangefrom 0 years 3 months to 5 years 0 months
ParkingThe carpark at Toybox is at the rear of the building (Queen Street) and is available for parents to park in when dropping or/picking up their children.
VisitingToybox welcome's potential parents into the nursery to look round by appointment only. You are able to make an appointment via telephone, email or website inquiry.
DirectionsToybox is based in the city centre just off Westgate which is easy to find and is only a short walk from Wakefield bus station or Kirgate/Westgate train station.
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0630-1830
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