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Contact Information
  • Phone Number
    01772 254729
  • Group/Owner
    TicTots Day Nurseries
  • Person in Charge
    Deborah Thompson (Nursery Manager)
  • Number of Staff
  • When Closed
    Bank Holidays & Christmas
  • Type of Service
    Day Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
  • Total Places for children
  • Age range
    from 0 years 3 months to 4 years 11 months
  • Parking
    Once parked enter your registration into the Total Fitness system to gain permission to park in the car park.
  • Visiting
    They love getting to know new friends, they like to make time to really focus on your visit so aim to book 'show arounds' from 4 pm onwards. They will do their best to make sure you meet the Manger on duty, the team leader of the room your child will be in and their future key person. If you park in the car park, make sure to add your registration plate to the system on your first visit. Please sign in, you will be asked to show identification on your first visit.
  • Directions
    Enter the Total Fitness car park from West Strand Rd and find a place to park. Enter the building through the main entrance and turn right, you will see the entrance to the nursery at the end of the corridor.
  • Opening Days
  • Opening Hours
Funding & Fees

  • C N
    August 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    My child has currently been attending TicTots Nursery since October 2017 when he was just 10 months old. He has an amazing bond with his Key Carer and the other staff members who take care of him on a daily basis. His learning has come on leaps and bounds since starting nursery and I could not be happier with his progression. Being able to view his learning online whenever I want is also a plus as it means I can see what he has been doing and also continue his learning at home.

  • K P
    August 7, 2018 at 12:00 am

    I currently have 1 child in nursery and she had been there since 9 months old. I chose this nursery as my son also attended previously full time. The level of care and learning is excellent and both of my children love their time here. My daughter has ongoing health concerns and all of the staff are well equipped to deal with this and this is extremely reassuring.

  • Joanne B
    February 1, 2022 at 12:00 am

    My son has been attending here since he was 18 months old. He really enjoys it and the staff are brilliant. He has a bond with his caregivers. I chose this nursery after viewing a lot of others around, it’s brilliant. Thank you, girls, he loves you all.

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