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Contact Information
  • Phone Number
    01983 616779
  • Group/Owner
    Chatterbox Nursery Ltd
  • Person in Charge
    Amanda Bitchenor (Owner/Manager)
  • Number of Staff
  • When Closed
    Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day
  • Type of Service
    Day Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
  • Total Places for children
  • Age range
    from 0 years 3 months to 5 years 0 months
  • Opening Days
  • Opening Hours
Funding & Fees

  • Bonnie H
    January 25, 2022 at 12:00 am

    My youngest daughter is currently at Chatterbox Nursey and my eldest has only recently left to start school. The manager could not be more accommodating and helpful. She is always giving us great advice and both my daughters adore her and her staff. Having moved over from the mainland, we had another nursery to compare and whilst our old nursery was great, Chatterbox really go above and beyond always. I don’t think there has ever been a day where either one of my daughters has not wanted to go and if we ever collect early we always get told off for spoiling their great day! They love the breakfast/lunch and dinner at Chatterbox and always say how nice the food is. Whilst we have a regular schedule with Chatterbox, the manager is so helpful if we ever need to change days or times, even at short notice she always tries so hard to help out. The building is lovely, clean and well kept and the baby room has amazing sea views! It really is a home away from home for our children.

  • K H
    January 12, 2023 at 12:00 am

    My child currently attends Chatterbox Nursery and has since she was 10 months old. All staff have been incredible from the early days of supporting and reassuring us both, advising through the turbulent twos and now helping my child to flourish in ways I could only imagine. She always comes out with a smile on her face and doesn’t even look back for me when I drop her off. Very accommodating for changes due to shift working or emergencies. We have moved further away making the commute quite lengthy but I couldn’t move her yet as she is just so happy and so are we with the care the team provide.

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