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Contact Information
  • Phone Number
    01772 855687
  • Group/Owner
    Busy Bees Nurseries Ltd
  • Person in Charge
    Naomi Jackson (Manager)
  • Number of Staff
  • When Closed
    Bank Holidays & Christmas
  • Type of Service
    Day Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care
  • Total Places for children
  • Age range
    from 0 years 3 months to 5 years 0 months
  • Opening Days
  • Opening Hours
Funding & Fees

  • Donna H
    May 10, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Our son started at Busy Bees Warton almost 10 months ago and we have been really pleased with all aspects of the nursery. The feedback each day is excellent, the healthy meals are varied and his all round care has been at a consistently high level. Our son’s key worker is very dedicated and this shows in her interactions with him each day. We have recently been given access to parent zone which is a great way to see how the day is progressing.

  • Laura W
    February 19, 2018 at 12:00 am

    My son enjoys going to this nursery I feel like the staff take the time to get to know his interests and ways, even though he is only there 1 day a week.
    He enjoys the food offered, which always sounds delicious and give him a varied diet.
    It is a small nursery but a very friendly one with lots of toys and opportunities to learn and grow. The staff go above and beyond to make it an enjoyable experience making family books, lovely displays and song packs that parents can borrow.
    Thank you for giving my son a lovely day each time he comes and for helping him grow into a well rounded little person.

  • Lisa W
    April 17, 2018 at 12:00 am

    My daughter has only been attending this nursery a couple of months, but she has already built strong connections with all the staff.
    The staff take their time to get to know your child, and their interests, and focus activities based on said interests, to help encourage their development.
    The children spend lots of time outside, where they have many resources to promote all areas of development.
    Meals are varied, fresh and nutritious. Children are encouraged to try new things.
    Staff ensure that all messages are passed on, on collection giving info such as what your child has eaten, how long they slept, the day’s activities etc, this is also logged on an app called parent zone.
    Parent Zone is an app all parents can access. Meals, sleep’s, nappies etc are logged. Also, pictures from your child’s day, and observations their carers make.

  • Joanne
    April 18, 2018 at 12:00 am

    My little girl has attended nursery from being ten months old and she turned three in February, she absolutely loves the nursery and talks about all her friends and staff and we love hearing her talk about her little family at the nursery. Her birthday was made extra special this year by the effort that the nursery staff put in and she still talks about it now. All members of staff take on-board each child’s individual needs, which I believe makes a huge difference to having a happy child. I would definitely recommend Busy Bees at Warton.

  • K W
    May 24, 2023 at 12:00 am

    The staff at Busy Bees are a credit to the nursery. My child is always coming home and telling me what she has been doing, who has helped her, who has read to her etc. They are warm, welcoming and friendly and take the time to understand each child and what they enjoy. The nursery itself is well-equipped, clean and safe and I have complete peace of mind that my child is well-cared for and happy. I credit the nursery for my daughter’s love of books and fantastic vocabulary and I’m thankful that they have built her confidence, interacting with others post-pandemic.

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