Contact Information
Phone Number01772 816661
Group/OwnerBriar Dene Nursery School Ltd
Person in ChargeZoe Tydd (Manager)
Number of Staff6
When ClosedBank Holidays & 1 week at Christmas (holiday club available during school holidays)
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children20
Age rangefrom 2 years 0 months to 5 years 0 months
ParkingThere is limited parking on-site, however, visitors can park on Hesketh Lane, the nursery premises are a short walk away.
VisitingPlease call the nursery during normal opening times to arrange a visit & claim a free trial session.
DirectionsTravelling on Hesketh Lane from Tarleton drive past Tarleton Community School on the right, drive for approximately 500 metres turning right onto Fulwood Avenue.
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0730-1800
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