Contact Information
Phone Number0161 727 9794
Group/OwnerLittle Explorers
Person in ChargeClare Mellor (Manager)
Number of Staff10
When Closed1 week at Christmas
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care
Total Places for children45
Age rangefrom 0 years 0 months to 5 years 0 months
ParkingA small car park for drop offs.
VisitingLittle Explorers Nursery Salford have an open door policy as it likes customers to see what they are truly all about.
DirectionsEasy to find on the A666 opposite McQueens music shop.
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0730-1800
Kim O
May 9, 2016 at 12:00 amWhat a fantastic nursery. The staff were amazing. My son had a great time there. Would recommend 100%. The staff were always very attentive and focused on each child. The outdoor play area was great especially the tree trunk for climbing my son loved this. Thank you.