Contact Information
Phone Number01942 714222
Group/OwnerOver The Rainbow Nurseries Ltd
Person in ChargeWendy Worden (Manager)
Number of Staff18
When ClosedBank Holidays & 1 week at Christmas
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children48
Age rangefrom 0 years 0 months to 8 years 0 months
ParkingParking to the front of the setting.
VisitingThe nursery operates an open door policy and welcomes families to come and view the setting between the hours of 9am and 4pm.
DirectionsLocated in the heart of Ashton in Makerfield town centre, close to M6 Motorway junction 23 and East Lancashire road.
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0730-1800
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