Contact Information
Phone Number01274 690622
Group/OwnerDebbie Rustom & Susan O'Malley
Person in ChargeAmy Mannifield (Nursery Manager)
Number of Staff20
When ClosedBank Holidays & Christmas
Type of ServiceDay Nursery – Privately Owned Open all year Full Day Care Sessional Day Care
Total Places for children88
Age rangefrom 0 years 4 months to 5 years 0 months
Opening DaysMon-Fri
Opening Hours0700-1800
September 21, 2015 at 12:00 amA fabulous nursery that has helped to build my little sister’s confidence and has aided in her growth and development from being very small. Would highly recommend. They provide a fantastic before and after school club and holiday club as well as nursery childcare and all staff are outstanding!!
Sarah D
September 22, 2015 at 12:00 amBoth of my sons have attended Rainbow House and I am very pleased with how my eldest has developed whilst here and gained the confidence he needed for starting school. He now attends rainbow house big kids club before and after school club which he also enjoys. My youngest is in the baby room at present he has settled in well thanks to the caring and attentive staff who are always welcoming. The staff always gives all the feedback a parent needs, he has developed really well in all areas but most of all enjoys singing and being outdoors.
Sarah H
September 23, 2015 at 12:00 amMy son attended both Rainbow House Nursery and at present he attends Rainbow House Big Kids Club. My son was 3 years old when he started attending the nursery and was upset for a few weeks as he had left a nursery he had been attending from being 6 months old. The staff were very reassuring and did everything they could to help him settle in. He settled very quickly and took a shine to certain staff members as they did him. Now 3 years on he is a very confidant and happy boy and loves going to the Big Kids Club before, after school and holiday club. He always wants to be the first child to get there and the last to leave! The staff are very down to earth and play a massive part in my sons life. They are all fantastic! He has made lots of friends at Rainbow House throughout these 3 years. I am very happy with all staff at both Rainbow House settings. I would recommend both settings of Rainbow House to anyone who is struggling to find a setting perfect enough for their family. THANK YOU TO ALL STAFF, YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!